Visitors Will Be Welcomed Into Our Building This Year

Lunch Visitors:
Parents/guardians will continue to sign-in using the Raptor Visitor Management System kiosk in the front office to obtain a visitor’s badge that is expected to be worn and visible at all times. Parents/guardians may then eat lunch with their child at the designated visitor table.
A written permission note from the student’s parent/guardian is required each time a relative or other visitor wants to eat lunch with a child. The note must be sent in advance with the student and given to the student’s teacher. The note must include the child’s name, visitor’s name, and the date of the visit, and it must be signed by the parent/guardian. Phone calls, emails, or text messages will not be accepted because the sender cannot always be authenticated. Visitors are required to sign-in using the Raptor Visitor Management System kiosk in the front office to obtain a visitor’s badge. Visitors may then eat lunch with the student they are visiting at the designated table. Students may not bring others to the table to eat lunch with their visitor nor may a parent/guardian write a note for their child to join another classmate and their guest at the guest lunch table.